Food Forests for Schools

Food Forests for Schools


Averrhoa carambola (Oxalidaceae)

  • Perennial tree with droopy branches, often gathered in a cluster, producing a bushy shape that results in a rounded crown. The leaves are soft and spirally arranged around the branches. The flowers are pink and arranged in clusters. 五叶星形果实,表皮薄,未成熟时呈绿色,成熟时呈黄色/浅绿色.
  • The fruit can be eaten raw or cooked. Fruit and leaves are used medicinally for fevers, hemorrhages, and headaches.
  • Star fruit is rich in fiber, vitamins A and C, phosphorus, and potassium.
  • 最适宜于潮湿土壤.
  • 充足的阳光.


For more information, please call:
305-558-4544,分机. 118
or Email Food Forest for Schools Program Manager